A Beginner’s Guide to SEO

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Lots of people search the Internet for information about lots of things.  Your website can be an incredibly powerful tool that generates leads for your business, provides valuable information to target audiences, and much more. Your website should provide relevant information that is directly related to a searcher’s Internet query. But how can you ensure people find your website when searching for a product or service that you offer? The answer is simple, SEO.

But what exactly is SEO? Search engine optimization or SEO is an Internet marketing strategy that focuses on the content of your website, altering it in a variety of ways so that you increase organic traffic to your website.  SEO can improve your rankings if someone searches for your site or certain keywords through a search engine like Google or Bing.   SEO can improve your brand credibility and online exposure and site visits and could ultimately lead to more sales or other preferred actions from your target audiences.

Developing an SEO strategy is important but can be complex.  Be sure to retain a team of marketing experts with extensive experience to ensure SEO success for your business.  Here are a few things to understand about the SEO process:

Crawl accessibility

Sites like Google will determine a website’s relevance by ‘crawling’ or ‘reading’ your website content and then evaluating – with an algorithm – whether or not that content is relevant to what users are looking for. Most of this is determined by content keywords that are contained within the copy, tags, and labels of a website. Some of these keywords are hidden in the way your website is developed – in the titles, tags, and URLs of your website – and some of the keywords are in the actual text or content of your site.

Compelling content

All websites should contain rich and colorful visual images and well-crafted, skillfully written content. Compelling copy can educate, inform and enrich.  It is important to remember that good website content is not something that should be written once and then left alone.  Website content is something that should be constantly under development and continually updated.  Outstanding website content is not only rich with industry keywords for SEO, but also full of good and useful information for readers. Use your website content to tell your company’s story, showcase your brand, offer industry-specific tips and tricks and showcase your position in the market.


Can you identify the keywords that people are using to find the information found on sites like yours? How often are certain keywords being used to find your website?  Are the keywords relevant?  And what about your competition? Keywords should be used in your website content, website alt text, tags, and Google AdWords development.  Who are your customers? How do they describe your products or your business? What are their wants and needs? Where else are they buying things? All of these things are important when considering the keywords that you use to develop and market your website and should be part of your SEO strategy.

User experience

Is your website pleasing to the eye?  Does it load quickly? Do you feature good and useful industry-relevant information for your users?  Can guests find information in a snap or easily ask questions if needed?  Your user’s experience of your website affects your SEO.  The more people engage with your website, the more likely they are to visit repeatedly, share with others, or make a purchase.

Share-worthy content

Is the information on your website not only informative and useful but also share-worthy? Do you feature industry tips and tricks that your target audiences would want to share with others?  Do you offer a promotion, coupon, or special that can be shared?  Make your target audiences ambassadors for your brand by creating information they will want to share.

Track and analyze the data

There are many industry tools available to help you track customer conversions, stay in touch with new clients, monitor website traffic, track click-throughs, understand what keywords lead traffic to your site, and more. It is important to continually track and analyze all data concerning your website.  This will guide your marketing team as you continue to update, change and modify your advertising strategies.

A carefully developed SEO strategy will help you grow organic traffic to your website. Do you need help with website SEO? Contact the experts at Wild Coffee Marketing. We deliver compelling content and proven strategies to grow organic traffic to your website. Contact us today to learn more. At Wild Coffee Marketing, we love helping our clients grow better.


Is your messaging ready to address key concerns and ongoing opportunities? Wild Coffee Marketing can help. Contact us today to learn more. At Wild Coffee Marketing, we love helping companies grow better.

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